Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic

Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic

Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic ( FRP ) is a layer made material, composed by:

  • thermosetting resins
  • reinforcements (fiberglass)
  • accelerators
  • activators
  • pigment and fillers of mineral origin ( prospective )
  • produced by means of manual or mechanical layering.

    FRP shows such excellent chemical and physical features to give to finished products:
  • lightness
  • chemical-proof and weatherproof
  • cut maintenance
  • installation cut costs
  • proven 20-years-running installations
  • high mechanical strength with respect to weight
  • moulds and micro-organisms-proof
  • endurance
  • versatility in geometries to plan

  • In FRP materials the resin is the component that supplies the chemical resistance while the fiberglass generates the mechanical resistance. By choosing the thermosetting resin and a proper layering it is produced is a laminated featured by an excellent chemical-proof performance

    I prodotti in PRFV possono essere formati mediante stratificazioni a mano o con sistemi meccanici più o meno automatizzati. L'eterogeneità dei sistemi di produzione, la possibilità di variare i rapporti fra i costituenti pur partendo sempre dagli stessi elementi (resina e rinforzo vetroso), l'ampia gamma infine entro la quale può oscillare nel tempo la qualità della lavorazione, specie nella lavorazione a mano, sono fattori che hanno sempre reso ardua la determinazione dei parametri caratteristici del PRFV. Silver srl, forte della propria esperienza in oltre 30 anni di attività, dispone di una consolidata conoscenza che le consente di progettare e costruire il materiale a seconda delle necessità.

    FRP products may be constructed by manual layering or more or less automatized mechanical layering processes. Heterogeneity of the material processing, the possibility to set different components ratios even if the same elements are employed (resins and glass reinforcements), the wide scale within which the processing quality may range, specially when handmade, are factors that make very hard determining the FRP material parameters. Silver srl, relying on his 30-years experience, has a settled know-how allowing it planning and producing material according to installation requirements.

    Tanks are always, and FRP almost always, worked out with a composite structure. Material subsequent layers, featured by different percentages of glass reinforcement, and fiber different orientation fit different functions. In planning its own tank structures, Silver srl defines point stresses and sets out thickness on consequence. This way another FRP property is exploited: that of choosing layers number and type (besides fibers orientation), making it possible to exploit the utmost the mechanical features of the material